(I suppose for once I should make a proper blog post and talk about what's going on with me. This post is most likely pure text, I'll make separate posts for each of my finals from school and what's going on right now.)
Wow, finally taking what I can refer to as a proper break from doing work. I have graduated Full Sail as of July 1st, 2016. It feels okay, not much like a proper graduation though, I still feel like there is so much for me to learn and so much practice I need to do, I'm overwhelmed somewhat and definitely not feeling like I'm ready for a job with where I am. Whether or not that's true is for someone else to decide though, if they think they can use me then I'm ready to go. When Full Sail says that it's a fast-paced course, they are not joking, I got a little whiplash from the end of it and I'm sitting here blinking my eyes trying to figure out what happened and where I'm supposed to go from here. I've never done this kind of thing before but I'm left in an awkward state of wanting to take a proper break, and thinking of what I can do for a project. Speaking of projects lets talk about what projects I'm working on right now.
Canifis Project
I've started and finished up the outside of the bank of the village of Canifis from the game Runescape 2. Right now I'm thinking of sculpting the rocks and such for practicing that workflow. Whether or not I will be doing the entire town, even with how small it is, is yet to be seen.
Izze's Characters
This project really ended up being a nightmare of a project to work on. Handpainting characters is something I was never "taught" to do, so I'm kind of making this up as I go. New problems present themselves every 5 seconds or so and working on a small laptop alone means my reference was only up about half the time it should have been since I preferred to actually see what I was doing at times. That being said I do like her characters and am enjoying it. THAT being said, I am so sorry it's taking me so long.
Project "Train Game"
What the heck happened to this, I made a video about it and everything. Well it turns out I lost my only other partner on the project so the team went down to 1, me. I have since been through school and such so my interest in doing this slowly dwindled since it was half mine and the other half belonged to nobody. Since I felt that way I decided to make a safe call and not make something up, using a proper source to draw from so that I would have a direction to go in. The project was simply to make a game, a focus on gameplay rather than art and story, so I'm going to be utilizing the famous short "The Rats in the Walls" by H.P. Lovecraft. A favorite of mine and a cool setting to boot. More information about that at a later time though.
For someone who graduated in Props and Environments you sure are thinking of characters a lot, I tell myself on a daily basis. Yes, me, I do think about my own characters a lot, more so than an environment or prop at the moment, because I like characters. That being said, I want to learn Zbrush better so I plan on making some stuff that utilizes it a lot more. Starting with that Canifis project I mentioned above, and moving on into whatever looks cool.
So yeah, that's pretty much what's going through my mind in terms of personal ideas right now. I'm a little scatter-brained at the moment but maybe someday I will actually get on the right track.
I'm also looking for jobs at the moment, though it's been hard with how much I've been moving around. Anyway, on to the actual work.
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